July 3rd, 2014
Thank you to all of the families who were able to come into the school today to pick up their children’s personal belongings. If you were unable to make it in today, the school is open everyday that our Y Child Care is operating, from 7:15 am to 5:45 pm, through the summer months. We have placed all unclaimed bags, shoes etc. on the coat hooks outside the children’s classrooms, so if you come into the school, just go to the hooks closest to the classroom and the belongings will be hanging there or sitting on top of the racks. This will allow our custodial staff to continue with their tasks of doing summer clean-up.
I want to thank all of the wonderful parents in our JWG Community, for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. I also want to thank the entire JWG staff for their quick and calm work in evacuating the school last Thursday, our students for doing what we have practised time and time again-to exit calmly, quietly and wait patiently for direction from their teachers, and the Kitchener Fire Department for all its help and support throughout the evacuation.
We are all thankful that everyone was safe. I wish all of you a very happy summer and look forward to seeing our families back on September 2.