JW School Council Meeting         April 15 th – Online

1. Land Acknowledgment

2. Principal’s Update

a. Safe Caring and Inclusive School Survey will continue for the next 1.5 weeks – parents can opt out if they wish, although some classes have already completed the survey.
b. World Autism Acceptance Day was celebrated. In the past, this has been celebrated by, “lighting it up blue,” and was symbolized with a puzzle piece, however, these symbols
were developed by neurotypical people. Neurodivergent people have instead proposed to, “light it up red,” symbolizing that world autism day is, “about us, not without us.”
They also introduced a rainbow Infinity symbol instead of the puzzle piece. Students were encouraged to wear rainbow colours in recognition of the day.
c. On April 2 nd the Kodaly Choir practiced at Brigadoon PS and they will perform at Centre in the Square on May 8 th. Two JWG students were selected for solos.
d. Astronomy in Action was held in the school gym under a large dome. This was a real treat for Junior students, and they loved it. Perhaps the event can also be run for Primary students.
e. Today, the ACE class created Mother’s Day projects with clay.
f. Earth Week will take place next week. There are many events planned. Please refer to the Principal’s weekly report sent on Friday April 12 th for more information. Events
include things like a community clean up (April 23 rd ), 1 hour tech free and lights off on Monday April 22nd, Goose paper contest starting on Monday with judging on Wednesday the 24 th .
g. An Earth Week event, ‘The Great Gulp,’ will carry over to May 2 nd . As many staff and students as possible will simultaneously take a sip of water from reusable refillable water bottles.
h. April 23 rd and 25 th – University of Waterloo’s Child Cognition Lab will visit the school and carry out a study with kindergarten to Grade 2. Consent forms were sent home.
i. Wacky Sock & Popcorn Day will take place on the last Friday of the month.
j. May 2 nd – Jump Rope for Heart will take place. Information was sent on School-Day, and a paper will be coming home with information.
k. The Welcome to School Event is scheduled for May 28 th from 5:30-6:30pm for new Kindies.
l. The Equity Committee has made a display in the front hall glass case representing upcoming celebrations such as Passover.

3. Book Fair (Natalie)

a. Discussion of scholastic dollars – Some teachers suggested the purchase of carpets for classrooms. Carpets are used for reading time among other activities. The Leadership and Budget Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday April 17 th . The committee will provide insight as to how best spend the scholastic dollars raised.

4. Parking Signs

a. The signs have been designed, ordered, and paid for. We are awaiting their arrival.

5. Yearbook (Lindsay)

a. Due to Pegasus by the end of May. Lindsay will follow-up with rep to see when the printed yearbooks will be distributed.
b. Mrs. IJ has Spirit Day pictures on a USB stick for pick-up.
c. Holly and Trish will discuss how best to compile photos that teachers have taken during field trips, spirit days, class activities, etc. Perhaps a Google Drive?
d. Student were given a yearbook cover art contest form today. Entries are due by April 29 th . Council will then select the top 5 entries and have students vote for the winners. We would also like to acknowledge some runners-up by displaying their art on the back cover of the yearbook. Trish can advertise the contest in her weekly principal’s report.
6. Council is thinking of hosting a movie night or an end of the year celebration which could include yearbook signing, food trucks, a movie, bike tune ups, used book sale, etc.
7. School boundaries/New school ‘Kitchener South School’ – How will this impact JWG? Trish has
not received much information, but shared that JWG is currently not filled to capacity. There will
likely be an information session that the public can attend.
8. Outdoor equipment/Balls – Soccer balls and other outdoor equipment was purchased by the
school. Does School Council want to fund some of this? To be discussed once Trish provides the
amount spent. Foam footballs to be purchased in May/June.
9. Garden Beds – Kindergarten and Eco Club are most keen. Jackie Barr (Kindergarten teacher) has
reached out to Kirstan to chat about seedlings.