Looking for websites to help your children at home?

If you would like some good educational websites to help your children at home, please go to our Resources Tab at the top of the home page and you will see many links to these sites.  We will continue to add them as we find new and educational websites to use at home.  We hope […]

Best Wishes to Mrs. Lindsay and her family!

We wish Mrs. Lindsay and her family all the best as they await the arrival of their third child.  Mrs.  Lindsay will be leaving us on Friday, May 3 in order to rest and take it easy for the next few weeks.  We are all very excited for her and wish her all the best […]

We Day Kids Fundraisers start May 8

The We Day Kids at JWG will be selling popcorn, TCBY frozen yogurt and freezies over the course of three weeks in May. May 8 Popcorn will be sold for $1.00, on May 15, they will sell frozen yogurt for $2.00 and on May 22, freezies will be sold for $1.00 each.  If you wish […]

New JK SK Parent Information Night is May 29

We will be hosting a parent information night for all parents whose children will be starting at JWG’s FDK in September 2013.  Our presentation will begin at 6:00 in our gym and then we will be moving to various locations in the school so that you, our parents, can see first-hand what the play-based, inquiry-based program […]

Spring Concert Date

We are thrilled to host a Spring Concert for our families on June 19 at 6:30 pm in our gym.  If your child is in the primary or junior choir, primary or junior dance club and/or the bucket drumming club, you won’t want to miss this night.  Please mark this date on your calendars and […]

Here we grow again!!

Our population continues to grow!.  We have 702 students registered for September 2013.  We are looking forward to all of our new JWG Wolves who will join us in September and to all of the new staff who will also join our team.  If you know of anyone who has a school-aged child, please ask […]

Pop Tabs for a Cause

Pop Tabs for a Cause April 25, 2013     (from the WRDSB website) When Sydney, a grade 3 student at J.W. Gerth PS in Kitchener, found out that you can collect pop tabs to buy a wheelchair to a person in need, she was determined to make it happen. She came to school and enlisted the help […]

Dogs at school-A friendly reminder

Although many schools in the WRDSB do not allow dogs on the school property at all, our JWG School Council discussed and decided that as long as the dogs stay off any of the asphalt areas of the playground and along the Apple Ridge side of the school,

Late Arrivals

This is a reminder that our school day starts at 9:10 in the morning and we ask that your children are on the playground by 9:05

Parking lot woes continue!

We continue to have problems with the safety of our children in our parking lot due to the number of parents who are using it to pick up and drop off their children each day.

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