June 14th, 2021
June 14, 2021Dear Parent/Guardian:
We are pleased to offer your child the opportunity to come back to school to say goodbye to their teacher, return any loaned devices, library books, home reading books and pick up their report card and any other left behind personal items.
Prior to coming to the school, you must do the Covid screening for anyone coming onto school property. https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/
You will be asked to complete the Covid screening questions on site if you do not do the online screening in advance.
Please minimize the number of family members attending.
We encourage families to walk to school. Our parking lot will be closed to the public.
Friday, June 25 9:30 am to 1pm ALL GRADES – All staff will be present
Monday, June 28 – ALL DAY 9am to 3pm – for anyone who could not make the previous date as well as students enrolled in Distance Learning – Please come to the Main Door – Please note that teaching staff will not be present at this time. We anticipate long lines, so please try to attend the Friday, June 25th event if possible.
Homeroom teaching staff will be at designated doors (please see map). School MAP for pickup/drop off We will have staff outside to help you find the correct door. Should weather be an issue, we ask that you bring an umbrella for lining up outside, maintaining social distance, as we will be allowing one family at a time at each door. Please keep your visit to approximately 5 minutes to allow everyone an opportunity. Please avoid congregating afterwards on the playground.
Please social distance and everyone is required to wear a mask when outside on school property. Unfortunately, this means, no photo ops, no hugs or close contacts please.
**Returning a device – please use the large zippered bag that was originally provided or a plastic bag to return the device. Your child’s name should be on the device with masking tape or written clearly on the bag. Please include the power cord. Staff will ask you to put the device in the box at the door. They will not handle the device. Staff must also record the return, did you complete the Covid Screening in advance, as well as the time you arrived at their door.
** Staff will have provided some asynchronous tasks for your child to complete since online learning will have come to an end with the return of devices.** Report cards will be handed out at this event.
We look forward to seeing you on June 25 from 9:30 am to 1pm. Please review the map prior to arrival and complete the Covid screening.
Marc Laurente