Dear J.W. Gerth Families,

School Councils are an important part of our school communities. They are unique to each school and its community. The focus of a School Council is to improve student learning, achievement, and well-being while enhancing the accountability of the education system to parents. It is an advisory role committee to advise the Principal on any matter pertaining to student achievement; a voice to provide input to the School Board, when asked for input on items such as policies; and a channel to address issues affecting all, or a significant portion of the school population. The School Council is made up of a group of people with a shared interest to work together to build a strong school community. School Council is not a place for members to pursue their own agenda or advocate for their own child, or personal issues. Nor is it the place to address individual student issues or issues pertaining to one class. This should be done through the classroom teacher and/or the Principal at another time.

Each year we elect members to the school council.

Attached to this communication is a link to a form for any parents who wish to self-nominate or nominate another parent. Anyone who wishes to be elected must participate in all scheduled meetings. Due to the Covid Health and Safety protocols this year, all meetings will be virtual.

We will conduct our first virtual meeting Thursday October 22nd at 6:00pm. A meeting link will be sent out closer to this date. It will be at this meeting that we will hold our elections and set future meeting dates. The deadline to complete the nomination form is Friday October 16th, 2020

The link to the Google Form:

School Council

Take care,


Marc Laurente


J.W. Gerth Public School