Dear JW Gerth Families, 


I hope this message finds you well.  As we prepare for a new school year, the staff at JW Gerth have been working tirelessly with the health and safety of our Wolves at the front of our minds.  It is no secret that school will look different, however we are hoping it will feel like it always has, as JW Gerth is a wonderful and caring community of dedicated educators who want the best for each and every student.  


This week our staff will be reaching out to call students and families to establish connections and familiarize students with who their teachers are.  Staff will be connecting with families via telephone between September 10th and September 11th.  If you happen to see a private number call in the next few days, chances are, it may be your child’s new teacher and not the CRA expediting a warrant or a company offering duct cleaning services. 


The purpose of this call is to establish a human connection with your child’s new teacher and to alleviate some of the unknowns as we transition into the new school year.  Your child’s teacher will touch base with your child and let them know where to meet them on their first day of school and what the school day may generally look like.  


For further information regarding the return to school, please see the Guide for Families as well as the Return to School FAQ’s to assist with questions you may have.  We are in this together, and we appreciate your continued support.


Take care, 


Marc Laurente
