Kindergarten Classroom Wish List

Kindergarten is fun and exciting. We learn so much and work very hard. We are going to need a few supplies to make our year extra special. We have included our wish list below if you would like to donate to our classroom adventure:


Crayola Twistables crayons Glue Sticks (Preference for UHU brand) Sharpie Markers
Art Canvases (can be purchased at Dollarama, any size) Box of Kleenex Craft supplies: googly eyes, buttons, wooden craft sticks, glitter glue, pipe cleaners, pom poms
White Board Markers (Preference for EXPO brand) Paper lunchbags
Crayola Markers (Thin or Thick) Watercolour Paint Palettes Package of Baby Wipes
LARGE Ziploc Bags White Erasers Sidewalk Chalk


Thank you – The Kindergarten Team


Please label all your child’s belongings – coats, mits, shoes, sweaters, hats, boots, and lunchbags etc.

    Mabel’s Labels is the answer for all your LABELLING needs.     

Just click on the green tab – Support a Fundraiser, Select School or Organization, and then choose JW Gerth from the alphabetical list (at the end of the ‘js’) and place your order. There are many options available to suit your needs.