We say good-bye to the following staff who will be changing schools for September.  We will certainly miss them all and wish them well in their new placements.

Mr. Moore,  Mrs. V-Bos,  Mr. Butson, Mrs. O’Rourke, Mlle Brune,  Miss Taylor and Mr. Laythorpe.

J W G grade changes will happen for Miss Mills, Mrs. Bigelow, Mrs. Winterton, ( 3/4) Mrs. McNaughton, Mrs. MacGregor, (Gr. 1) Miss Fox,  (Gr 2/3)  Mme Gauthier (Gr. 4),  Mrs. Petro (2/3), Mrs. Bishun-Argunen (Gr. 1), Mrs. Coghill (Special Ed)

We welcome Mr. Palmer (Gr. 2 FI), Mrs. Matthews (FDK)  Mrs. Tsetsekas (FDK)

Those are the changes as of today.  Updates will occur during the summer if other changes happen.

Please  be aware that class lists will be posted on the Friday before Labour Day weekend at 4:00 pm and will remain up until Tuesday, Sept. 8 when school begins again.

Happy Summer:)