November 5th, 2013
A Positive School Experience-Punctuality and Regular Attendance
The Education Act states that every child of compulsory school age must attend school on every school day until the last day of school in June of each year. Regular attendance enables an active participation in school activities that enhance learning and promote personal development. Continued absence from school undermines the benefits that a school experience can provide. Regular attendance enables an active participation in school activities that enhances learning and promotes personal development. The school is interested in being made aware of any issues or circumstances that may affect your child’s ability to attend school on a regular basis.
Punctuality is an important life skill that we need to teach our children. As adults, we need to set an example for them for when they enter the working world. It is imperative that students are in their classrooms at 9:10 a.m. every day, in preparation for important announcements and the commencement of the daily academic agenda. Promptness also shows respect for your child’s teacher and classmates, as they start their day together. If there extenuating circumstances of which the school should be aware, please do not hesitate to contact either your child’s teacher or the Vice-Principal, Sherri Davidson, to discuss how the school can support you and your child.
We are always a phone call away to help in any way we can!