Parent/Teacher Interviews – Appointments regarding your child’s progress at school are being booked now.  We have different methods being used to book appointments.  Some of our staff are using SCHOOL-DAY, while others will be using various other methods.  Your teacher will be communicating their method to you shortly, if they haven’t already done so.

Instructions for Booking Parent/Teacher Interviews on School-Day (if applicable, as per teacher)

  1. To access your Parent-Teacher Conference schedule, log into School-Day.
  2. Select the Parent Conferences link from the left side of your Parent Dashboard and click on the icon of the conference itself to access the schedule for booking.
  3. To book an appointment with your child’s teacher, click on BOOK. A pop up will appear confirming your appointment selection.
  4. Select CONFIRM BOOKING to confirm your booking. You have 30 seconds to confirm or cancel your booking.

Cancelling an Appointment

If you wish to change an appointment, you can easily cancel your original booking and then re-book a new appointment.

  1. Click on your child’s name in the schedule for the appointment you wish to change and select CONFIRM CANCEL.